Jason Bourne
Directed by Paul Greengrass
Starring Matt Damon, Tommy Lee Jones, Alicia Vikander, Vincent Cassel
The Zeitgeist:
Jason Bourne takes the franchise back to its roots after deviating onto a new path with Bourne Legacy. Personally we liked that new direction, and Jeremy Renner freshing the franchise up as the new lead, but here we’re back in the safe arms of Greengass and Damon. They do their jobs, as you always know they will, and it’s solid enough but it seems a step back. What was once a viable alternative to Bond is now looking slightly irrelevant. It’s undercooked in both scope and execution and everything seems to be a bit too dialled in. The franchise has undoubtedly returned to its most successful director, and Damon in the lead does feel a welcome return, but it’s not wholly successful.