13 Hours
Directed by Michael Bay
Starring John Krasinski, James Badge Dale, David Constable
The Zeitgeist:
Dissapointing actioner from the usually reliable Michael Bay. 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benhgazi splits the narrative into two, showing us both the lead-up to the events of September 11th 2012 and the night itself, but falls down on both. It’s not terrible by any means but has a slight TV Movie feel which is, considering the team involved, unexpected. The action isn’t consistently shot, so some scenes stand out as being better than others, but it’s inconsistent overall. Whatever you think of Bay he usually knocks this kind of thing out of the park. Neither is the dialogue great, as you’d expect, but the early scenes also have a a lack of flair in how they’re shot. Worth looking at but not a must-see by any means.